Thats the key here is that. Right? Theyre looking at all this toxic mess. Youll find more maybe more information on Facebook or social media, but youre not necessarily gonna get the truth either. They come to us, like, belatedly, and its because, like, Liz Shady. The American Revolution set the background for the modern nation state as well as molding the modern Army. Both areas suffered social and economic hardships that led to the realization that something must be done to topple the hierarchy and put power back into the hands of the people. As to the American revolution was more conservative and federal. If the right wing media is your universe. And they go far right, but same time, if theres something bad happening caused by the right, theyll call it out. The others resulted in political changerather than social or economic change. But I gotta tell you, when I was watching this group, I was reminded of something one of the things I get yelled at the most for online is whenever I say I really like a lot of the people that I listen to in the group. At any given time, however, the American forces seldom numbered over 20,000; in 1781 there were only about 29,000 insurgents under arms throughout the country. Though they received no formal training, they were not so dependent on a book knowledge of military tactics as were many of the Americans. Composed of seven states from the South, this new government looked to separate from a union that they felt was tipping in power towards those who wanted to threaten the rights of the South, especially slavery. And we also know, Sarah, if Chris Ruffo came out tomorrow and said, I have concluded that Donald Trump has committed crimes. We don't, but we asked our focus groups about it anyway. The leadership in both countries at the time of their revolutions was certainly repressive, especially in terms of taxation. And after January sixth, Trumps approval rating with Republicans stayed very high, very slight downslope, very slight. Ive never seen it like this. However, over time divisions of opinion became apparent between federalists and anti-federalists. I LOVE THIS WOMAN WHO MAKES UP DR. SUS RISE ABOUT BEING VICTIMIZED. In other words, you dont have to defeat or suppress another person to live according to your core values. And the reappraisal interestingly wasnt just on twenty twenty two. So slavery, for example, violates that social compact in the most dramatic of ways. Revolutionary leaders established new countries that only sometimes lived up to promises of democratic rule. They voted for him twice though, then this to me, I find myself understanding these people and then also thinking that these are the most dangerous people. Compare and Contrast American and French Revolution. And the best federalist paper. The French Revolution was not successful in forming a democratic government due to France's history of a monarchy, economic issues and divison among its' people. East Tennessee had a lot of unionist sentiment. It is a through line in the group. Look what happened with the riot in January, like, before that, nobody would have ever imagined that. And when I drill down, I find out that they dont actually. In the American colonies there was no set divisions of people and power, all social classes were equally affected by the government. Kristen Soltis Anderson, I believe, And, Kristen, Im sorry, Im misattributing this to you, but I remember hearing an interview where youre talking about polling Republicans and how important the person at the top of the ticket is to Republican views on issue after issue after issue. And the answer is one sentence. I mean, its ridiculous the way its run right now. I mean, she definitely appeals to that super far right group and guests who have a coach for him, Georgia. In 1773, the British imposed a new tax, known as the Tea Act. The terms of Continental Army service were only gradually increased from one to three years, and not even bounties and the offer of land kept the army up to strength. John Locke an American enlightenment thinker thought people had natural rights and that government should have limited power. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink a federal government. Like, thats absurd. But at the same time, were not really gonna say this is way too far or were gonna exert any will to sort of purge this from the larger right wing coalition. A lot of people have echoed that already. He says, what you essentially need to do is to dilute the reruptive power of faction by allowing factions to bloom. Theres no such thing sort of historically as well. Omissions? The American Revolution was based on liberty, equality, and justice. But now Im against it because we have to take care of our own people first. But then I do try to do my research on other areas because. From 1790 to 1794, the revolutionaries grew increasingly radical. People have dramatically different points of view can live side by side with each other, possess the same amount of liberty, possess the same rights of free association and all of the things that we possess to allow us to create thriving communities and we expand the sphere. Keyboard warriors are also not the kind of people who are going to stop something once it starts unfolding. Also the French Revolution consisted of a lot more violence than the American Revolution. Theyre telling you that theyre trying to find answers. It was a bloody battle between the Mexican people and people who were loyal to Spain. We have seen media scandals. Theyre sleeping in cots you know, in church fellowship halls to help these folks. Were clustering religiously. It sets the course of the cultural river and you see it in military units. Revolutionaries were inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment including individual freedom. I am victimized by the politics here. The government and leadership in France was corrupt as they were in much debt. Why? Thats one of the struggles I have even whenever I see things are happening locally as to trying to find a local force, but I dont know. I mean, which okay? But to me, actually, it was part of what was funny. And its so hard to know where the truth is. Dont trust the FBI, but I wouldnt trust my own eyes. However, at the same time, and I actually wanna write about this, I think a lot of the folks who are saying, well, look, I mean, weve got blue cities and red states and got red areas and blue states. Thats right. And And I said, well, how was your voting experience? The American Revolution was principally caused by colonial opposition to British attempts to impose greater control over the colonies and to make them repay the crown for its defense of them during the French and Indian War (175463). While the precise beginnings of the American Revolution remain highly debated, there are many reasons behind the revolution. And then close-up the window so that its all hidden. The great majority became efficient soldiers as a result of sound training and ferocious discipline. And people can do it for a while. Absolutely. They dont give you anything back. However, there are crucial differences that led to their respective results and their . Suddenly, the Latin American colonies found themselves without a direct European power telling them what to do. Yeah. This is actually from just some accumulated clips. My father-in-law who just passed all the epic times. Students complete an 11 item graphic organizer with 3 questions to compare and contrast the Revolutionary War and French Revolution. The stuff in Georgia, he told the guy, you know, see. This cross-curricular compare and contrast activity is perfect for the social studies or English classroom and takes about one hour.It includes the following:-A 3-page article about the causes, events, and outcomes American and French Revolutions . The French Revolution was a conflict rooted in envy with desperate peasants whipped into a frenzy. Like, people you would want as neighbors. because a lot of right wing media is an audition for Fox News. It tells you an awful lot. However, there is a difference that makes the American revolution succeeded while the French revolution doesnt. Saying how wrong now. But there has just been this relentless drumbeat, and then I wrote about this for the times. The American Revolution A revolution, in definition, is the overthrow of one government with replacement of another. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. What made the American Revolution look most like a civil war, though, was the reality that about one-third of the colonists, known as loyalists (or Tories), continued to support and fought on the side of the crown. Every child learns of the American Revolution at least once in their lives. The American Revolution and the French Revolution were two significant events in world history that shaped the modern world and had a profound impact on political, social, and economic systems. American A "Reign of Terror" followed the revolution (American, French, or Both?) You could do worse. Right. So all of the major social, political, cultural religious forces are pushing us apart into separate camps. And Ive had the same conversation with folks who say, well, I go first to fox, and then I also look at CNN. The French Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, to rescue imprisoned revolutionary leaders. You know, the majority of people in Scotland voted to stay. And Ive always liked this formulation that there was absolutely a recessive gene within the Republican party. I didnt think the bulk of Americans, there was this really great moment at the very beginning of the focused group about national divorce with the Trump voters, where her comments were brought up, and most of the Zoom room laughed. The American and French Revolution are both remembered in history as two major changes that would shape what we know today. Its coming up on eight years since, now. They then read, analyze, and compare and contrast each country's national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner and La Marseillaise, by answering 14 questions of varying degrees of difficulty. Taxation without representation was when the government taxed the colonies without. You literally wrote the book on the potential of a national divorce. During the Second Continental Congress in 1776, the representatives adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4. But the point of the one you feed is that means its what theyre taking in. Theyre not always accurate either. Between 1775 and 1825, revolutions across the Americas and Europe changed the maps and governments of the Atlantic world. get to us? Second, each revolution rejected rule without representation. On the ground, fighting in the American Revolution began with the skirmishes between British regulars and American provincials on April 19, 1775, first at Lexington, where a British force of 700 faced 77 local minutemen, and then at Concord, where an American counterforce of 320 to 400 sent the British scurrying. Weegy: The revolutionary war affected Loyalists by About one hundred thousand became refugees.User: What impact did many state constitutions have on the separation of church and state affairs? All Rights Reserved. been a long time. So yes, keyboard warriors are not the kind of people who are going to get in the streets. So number one, Al Yuval Levin has said this very well that theres a George Wallace constituency in American politics. In North America, colonists fought off the British. happened? The American Revolution occurred in an area that was an ocean away from its ruling monarchy in Britain. Were like, well, in the beginning, I was for it. But at no point, theyre the sense of Well, thats just too far to be in our coalition. And Im with these awesome people who dropped everything when they heard the tornado had happened, descend upon Mayfield, Kentucky. In May of 1789, the opening session of the Estates General was deadlocked. I would say that the actual number of people who really truly want a national divorce is very small, relatively small. Theres a, oh, thats ridiculous. I just trusted that that was how the vote was recorded. Compare and the contrast the American Constitution and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789). Again, it was like a little bit heartbreaking because again, it was a It was a perception thing, although I hear Democrats do this with Pete Buttigieg where theyre like, I would vote for a gay guy. In the 18th Century the main problem the Army had was manpower. Thats who I wanna talk to. And you know, Id imagine youd get a little pushback on this idea that that theres not something endemic in the Republican Party. There actually is a body that is overseeing the media right now and determining what is allowed to be said and whats not allowed to be said. So when we asked about hundred Biden and we said, well, would you trust them if they prosecute you at hundred Biden, hundred percent of his head went up right away. The Creole are people of Spanish or Portuguese descent born in the Americas. and they love their kids and their grandkids. But how interested are Americans really and breaking up? These countries shared the same idea of freedom and independence, the difference is they used different methods of accomplishing this goal. It was backdated. With tension building between the two powers, the revolution was a battle that formed what America is today. But youre right when we read them Marjorie Taylor Greens tweet, here is how they responded. Finally, according N12 and KAN surveys, respectively, only 45% of those who voted for any of the coalition parties and only 36% of Likud voters are in favor of continuing with this judicial . No. The debt from this huge war helped spark the American and French Revolutions. In June, the Third Estate met alone and declared itself the National Assembly. Divided We Fall: Americas Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation (by David French),, Learn more about your ad choices. I mean, being hawkish on Russia is a core right identity for a long, long time. Which is the correct description of a revolution and one of its outcomes? It began with a revolt of enslaved people in 1791 after the National Assembly abolished slavery. But then as soon as some Republicans learned that Donald Trump had said some nice things about single payer healthcare, their steam for single repair, health care went up. I dont have the solution yet. And with them, one of the guys in there when hes saying, you hear him say, Id only trust them because I saw it with my own eyes. We dont, but we asked our focus groups about it anyway. The fundamentals of each revolution, why the citizens were fighting are completely different. The similarity between them is that the citizens in both countries, both faced the block of common economical development of the government. So James Madison wrote federalist number ten, which is the best federalist paper. We know that the media feeds it. You and I are frequently on the same page about this. Ironically, the transcription service has particular problems with the word bulwark, so you may see it mangled as Bullard, Boulart, or even bull word. Enjoy! No matter their credentials. In the instant they stand up, its what happened to so and so. Both countries have many differences and similarities, ranging from the individuals fighting these wars to tactics and strategies they used to win. Now weve seen from twenty twenty two, for example, that there might be a two percent or a three percent or a four percent who are not gonna go that far that will not vote for, say, a Hershel Walker or a whatever. sooner rather than later, its getting very difficult to talk. That there was a very troubling part about why Nikki Haley could not be the president, and it was super like well, no world leader would take a woman seriously. David, my friend, thank you for being here. The French colony was the richest plantation colony in the world, with around 8,000 plantations that produced 40 percent of the world's sugar and about half of its coffee. But the republic was short-lived. Trump was such a bad candidate that he even lost Arizona. So I feel like Im in this kind of whirlwind of trying to fact find. Or do you Beg to Differ? These revolutions did not lead to long-lasting constitutional republics and were soon replaced by rulers who cared more about power than the liberal ideas that allowed them to rule in the first place and who ruled on the basis of populist politics, family networks, and military strength. And so, like, talk about how critical leadership is because I thats in your book. In Haiti, the enslaved fought off the French and overthrew the wealthy plantation owners. People who supported the French Revolution burned and looted homes and churches and they killed and beheaded thousands of people. Also the American colonies had an army of trained officials led by George Washington, to fight against the British. It rejected European racist hierarchies and defined all Haitians as "black." So I like to draw a distinction between earned distrust and manufactured distrust. Right? Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. The Enlightenment, which started in France and is associated with writers such as Rousseau and Voltaire, caused those under the thumb of monarchies to begin to recognize the inequality inherent in such systems. And, you know, one of the powers you wanna go back to our founding documents, for example, the statement that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator certain unalienable rights among them, life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, was setting a cultural course for the United States that we were often contrary to, but had enormous power over the course of the next two centuries plus to where eventually we started to get more and more and more in conformity with that vision. Taxation without representation is tyranny, James Otis reportedly said in protest of the lack of colonial representation in Parliament. These people arent advocating. Sort of laughing at the excesses and not taking it incredibly seriously. You can be frustrated at how contentious politics are. He joins Sarah to talk about whether (and how) the United States holds together; and the task of rebuilding trust in our institutions. Right? With such an ideological basis, it becomes clear when one sets out to compare the French Revolution and American Revolution that people felt the need to be free from oppressive or tyrannical rule of absolute monarchs and have the ability to live independent from such forces. Right? And so, you know, I think just to set the stage for this conversation, can you just give us like the thesis of the book? Now we have a dominion voting system in our own county, which is hilarious because lots of folks in our county are convinced that dominion was corrupt. All revolutions have many stages which they go through, these three stages are the main bits of a. This is a great way to get students to think in depth and compare and contrast the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Russian Revolutions.The worksheet is sold separately and its called: World History: Comparing American, French, and Russian Revolutions This is an extension to another assignment that only compares the American and French Revolutions. Its pretty much like in good faith But because theyre pouring Fox News and the daily wire and other right wing sources into their ears, they dont have that much context, and they do think that Fox is the most trustworthy, and its all the other people who are wrong, look, people are responsible for their own actions, responsible for things, but they Im most had been poisoned slowly by these institutions. Right? And it would. Right. Ron DeSantis hard to beat, well, lets just break up the country as most aggressively anti left. Mhmm. thanks so much for having me. If youre working in a McDonalds for a manager, if youre working in an in assurance company for the manager, you name it. Feeling threatened by this development, King Louis XVI sent an army towards Paris. But the bottom line is theres a ninety plus percent of Republicans who will go as far as far as their politicians take them. The third estate created the Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen to express these goals. But, as liberating as that sounds, Napoleon also enforced French values and authority with an iron fist. This is this is how things go. The Enlightenment and American Revolution resulted in the people believing that their government, or ruler, should protect the peoples rights, including the right to overthrow a government that fails to do so. Sure. Meanwhile, the Netherlands, which provided both official recognition of the United States and financial support for it, was engaged in its own war against Britain. The American Revolution took place between 1775 and 1783, while the French Revolution occurred between 1789 and 1799. The British had come to Concord to seize the military stores of the colonists, who had been forewarned of the raid through efficient lines of communicationincluding the ride of Paul Revere, which is celebrated with poetic license in Longfellows Paul Reveres Ride (1861). This is a great way to get students to think in depth and compare and contrast the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Russian Revolutions.The worksheet is sold separately and its called: World History: Comparing American, French, and Russian Revolutions This is an extension to another assignment that only compares the American and French Though each of these revolutions had its own origins, important figures, and results, they were all tied together by three things. However, the Civil War was a not a complete representation of a second American Revolution. The Haitian Revolution established the second independent republic in the Americas and the first independent nation-state ruled by people of African descent. You should be. by. Like, its like a powder keg. The American Revolutionalso called the U.S. War of Independencewas the insurrection fought between 1775 and 1783 through which 13 of Great Britains North American colonies threw off British rule to establish the sovereign United States of America, founded with the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Oh, you cant take that seriously. And thats a classic example of how the old instincts meet the new coalition. When it comes to the outcomes of each it seems as if the French Revolution created more change than the English Civil War did. The thing that I was writing about in my book was were getting so polarized that its possible Its not probable. Shes not serious. Its. the most consequential is Ukraine. The cost of the war and pressure from their European rivals was too much for the English. Because you do this thing at the beginning where everybody tells you, like, what they do for fun and, you know, where they live and what they did for work and, like, you know, just the sweetest room, she talks about your delicious grandchildren.