It dances with the time that you live and it dances with other times you have lived. Every single thing you read, applies to you. One of the two tries to hide something or is lying. You may meet people who try to dissuade you from your goals, even if they have good intentions. If you feel disconnected from reality, if you experience panic attacks, if you feel the familiar is strangely unfamiliar at the same time, if you are afraid, you are probably not crazy but rather experiencing the influence of Neptune. My family left inheritances so that I do not have to work. Often there are periods of excess and then a rebalance. Im not sure if this is related to the Neptune transit, but I am currently in a relationship that I want to get out of but for some reason feel like I cant. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. You will not be very assertive at protecting your own interests, so you might attract people who take advantage of your vulnerability. Your email address will not be published. It is an element which is akin to having a health condition. Merging with the opposite. This interpretation of Mars in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Thanks for taking the time to respond. window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-6403686b3d131'). I began making frequent stops there just to hear the lady at the deli greet me with, Hi, Sweetie, how are you doing today! Wal-Mart is always a good place to feel connected because there is always a Greeter at the door who says Hello and puts a smiley face sticker on my clothing. I personally experience Neptune by feeling ungrounded, a bit lost and I know that I am going through great changes but I have no idea HOW I am changing. Brainstorm: Neptune/Pluto Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between Neptune and Pluto. Now Im into astrology and tarot! But, lately I get to thinking that with Neptune on the Descendant I am one of those people who absorbs other peoples energy. This can be interpreted as friendliness but it could get me into trouble if I am too open and connect unwisely. Also quite a weight gain that Im wokring on to change now. We do not agree with those who say good health is the natural way of life and that all variations on that reflect a lack in the body and spirit of a being. She immediately lifted up her blouse to show me her new hooters!. Just dont take any wooden nickels. It feels just like sliding your foot into a comfortable bedroom slipper, as the etheric body slips back into the dense physical body. We may feel that we do not know what is happening to us. In this culture, the abilities of the Empath often are reflected in how they deal with people psychologically and emotionally and often literally in their careers as well; people who can absorb and change energy. I was aware that my hearing was worse but this forced me to really listen to what others were saying. According to my friend, Astrid, Bach works on the physical body and FES works on the emotions. You can believe that they are the right partner for you, but you can be easily deceived if the . She was in love with a man who lives across the country and is married. Are we dancing with the fear of another time, of another life? Sometimes, people with the Mercury conjunct Chiron aspect work with their hands, avoid socializing, etc. At age 50 your first paragraph is spot on. Failing to see your relationship opportunities. Do not isolate the elements of life. [Wikipedia]. Your friends provide a mirror to see how compassionate you are. It was then that I realized exactly what had transpired with the Neptune transit. I do not know who Kitty is but I am the one who answers all. You seek unity with others. The Ascendant is a more shallow part of ourselves. They would state what they wanted, and then said, Dont you agree? So, I had to be strong and say that I dont agree and show them the other side of things they need to be looking at., Great analogy on Neptune/Saturn, using it in creative ways. I believe my article written in 2012 is on my website. Delusional relationships. Oh my! If not old enough to retire, then the individual longs for a career change. It's typical for Neptune on the Descendant to not acknowledge its tendency to escape commitment. However, it can help you transcend mundane things and allow you to flow into higher, enlightening experiences. I always said that there was so much love for me in Europe but, in November 1996, so many people worked very hard to help me make professional connections in Germany that I could not make myself and I felt truly empowered by the love they demonstrated. Perhaps the transit was trying to teach me to be more flexible, go with the flow and show me that even apparently giving up could, ironically, help me to achieve my aims in life. With the shift in the groups energy, a lot of people joined our group as well as another that formed at the same time. I attracted clients who really want to be told exactly what they want to hear. Its true Ive got Neptune transiting ever so slowly over my descendant. You can now Google for supplements that offer immune support. Having 3 planets in Gemini, I have mental curiosity and find almost everything stimulating so I have a lot of joy. Neptune is related to the following basic concepts: uncertainty delusions spirituality dreams eco parking iah Neptune conjunct/sextile/trine natal Venus or ruler of the 7th house Pluto conjunct/sextile/trine natal Venus or ruler of the 7th house I find that a lot of people fall in love during a strong Neptune transit to natal Venus, but these . Your best friend works as a maid. I visited so many doctors and nobody has reasonable explanation. She joined a spiritual community (11th house Neptune), where she meditated and entered the waters of silent contemplation, until she had experiences of samadhithat state where the mind stops, the breath stops, and one merges into the ocean of Being. How can we work? . The absolute best dark chocolate in terms of flavanols is MONTEZUMAS DARK CHOCOLATE ABSOLUTE BLACK 100% I do not eat a lot of chocolate so I take this in a capsule form as Cocoavia from the Mars Company. I seemed to make a transition from being comfortable as a loner to being comfortably and intimately connected with the world. MaintainETHICS! Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. It all goes swimmingly for awhile. I thought that this would be the end of our group. ASC DESC MC IC D issolving the boundaries between me and you. In other words, the only way through the transit was one step at a time, refusing to veer off the chosen path and ignoring any siren songs along the way. The other symptoms are connected with Leaky Gut Syndrome. The body may follow certain patterns. That transit was a hard one but it taught me that there are times you dont get to be sure about anything. The Empath does not receive through channels in the same way. The Empath essentially absorbs into itself all the fluid energy, all the contact, all the content of interaction with others. You must let go of any personality traits that stand in the way of a spiritual union. NEPTUNE TRANSITS - The CRISES OF DISCONNECTEDNESS: There are 3 issues symbolized by Neptune that I will address using the examples submitted by readers. It is like the onion, layer upon layer. It was a wonderful environment but I was alone. You may find that you were trying to hold on to something that was not worth it. I was more interactive with people. This is the time to understand another person in a psychologically deep way. Your life is transformed through others. The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile and trine) tend to increase the ability to focus the imagination. A guardian element so sensitive, so sympatico, so in connection with the All of you. Anyway, I would be interested to hear your thoughts. You may go through a series of failed relationships with unfaithful, abusive, lying, sick, alcoholic, or drug-dependent partners. Im wrestling with this very set up in the Canadian Progressed Chart. I have suffered many losses as I am at an age when many of ones friends pass away. Is this energy to be transmuted? Neptune opposition Ascendant is also known as Neptune conjunct Descendant or Neptune setting. This interpretation of Neptune in aspect to the Ascendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. More importantly, in an Empathic society individuals are taught how to work with the energy; learning that received energy is then transmuted, changed, translated. After this transit passes, you must evaluate these new teachings with your own intellect and experience. Through a disappointment, we can actually go beyond our boundaries, let go of restricting loyalties. You can offer help as long as you feel truly free to do so. The activity of the outer planets is often said to be turbulent and disruptive. I take Blackberry and Madia to help me to focus mentally while under the Neptune transit. But, my play as a child was something practical I made forts in the woods, I taught myself to ride horses, I worked on the farm but all was a lot of fun. Being in love allows you to let go of previous self-conceptions. As mentioned at the beginning, this transit can bring your ideal partner. This could actually work in your favor depending on . Somehow (somehow is a process ruled by Neptune) I have spent my life honing the other senses like a blind man compensates for poor sight. Elisabeth. You might be completely wrong about what impression youre giving to others. I no longer use this brand since Solaray Raw Adrenal is easier to find at The Vitamin Shoppe. However, change through dissolving what no longer works is still the prominent feature of a strong Neptune transit. This article is included in the Planet Combinations astrology eBook. The 150 aspects portends events over which we have no control. On an emotional level she felt sadness and abandonment. Neptune is actually transiting my midheaven. The Neptune conjunct Neptune synastry aspect suggests that the two people are of approximately the same age. So many times, a long-term friendship ends. Years ago, I was advised not to renovate my home under a Neptune transit as it will make me feel more disconnected and ungrounded. When I said these words she began to breath deeply through her heart. Any relationships that remain should be those that help you free yourself and enrich your inner spirit. Dont pretend that something doesnt bother you if it does, especially in romantic relationships. You are inviting known elements of you and perhaps elements you cannot see or label or understand as well, to come into a circle, a moving circle of realignment, rebalancing, honoring and accepting that which is and that which can come and that which may evolve. I feel this was a time for the right relationships to be in place and go forward, and I had to TRUST and stick to my beliefs and not allow clients and others to put words in my mouth just to hear what they want to hear I had to tell them only what is real. . Neptune, too, is the search for the dream. She felt very betrayed when the promotion went to someone else. As I get older, I just seem to suffer from the problems of old age absent-mindedness, confusion and disorientation. Marrying the invisible man. This description applies for any of these transits: This is a test on your ability to let go of attachment to material things or even certain personal relationships. If it does happen it occurs shortly after birth. Your partner dulls your senses and puts you to sleep. It will sometimes take a crisis, intervention, or personal illness to snap you out of your delusion and rebuild your self-esteem and confidence. We have learned that the best way to lose weight quickly is to go on a trip and walk. When I returned home, I was alone. I returned telephone calls to people who had left messages. Hi Jamie I get confused by these emails. You can consider this talk an addition to all that you may come to know about the Immune System and health. Chameleon. I could have just as easily focused on the tragedy of unrequited love or gently chided her for her romantic illusions. The Empath those who have at the core of their nature the innate ability to receive energy, information, awareness from others. When he left, I felt so alone, so lonely, that I never wanted to feel this way again. In Berlin, my friend Astrid arranged more social situations and I connected and re-connected with many wonderful people. When they owed me over $500, they said that I did not have a contract with them sono money! Ive been living by a body of water for 10 years. It is natally in square to that point from the 9th so the transit was difficult for me. It offers many different types of rail transportation, including ICE or Intercity-Express for high-speed services between major cities and regions, IC (InterCity) for long-distance trains, RE (Regional Express) trains that connect regions and cities, and the S-Bahn rapid transit service. First, Neptune never brings clarity. When you visit our website, it may store information through your browser from specific services, usually in form of cookies. Often, when the transit ends, so does the undefined health issue. Your close friends dont judge you. These one-of-a-lifetime encounters can mean a turning point . Neptune Transit Conjunct Ascendant June 5, 2021 Elsa When Neptune crossed my ascendant, I was in such a fog I found myself driving the wrong way on a one-way street. During the Capricorn cycle, the many flowers of friendship in my garden were allowed to go to weed while I focused upon the one orchid on my table, so to speak. Vesta Aspecting Neptune: Neptune rules dreams and imagination. T Saturn in the 5th is a time to take a hobby or interest and turn it into something practical something that you can use professionally. Neptune teaches us lessons of surrender and yielding. What Jane is sharing in her personal observations is the positive influences of the Aquarian energies as they assisted all of us in dissolving rigid boundaries yet creating new, flexible boundaries that support each individual. Engage yourself as a team in the process. Our job now is to seek greater vision, and to experience wholeness by dissolving our boundaries as we merge into the great ocean. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! here is what astrodienst says about the transit ( obviously not natal, but just in case you are curious ) At this time your close, intimate relationships will be difficult and confused. Mystical union. With transiting Neptune conjunct her Descendant and square her natal Sun in the 4th house in Libra, she realized that marriage and family are everything to her, so she felt she could not leave her husband. A great web of interconnections. Squid ink. 1 Other applicable addictions that I have observed are Alcoholic, Workaholic, Shopaholic, Obsessions with Neatness and many Phobias based upon a need to be in control. The danger is that this can distract you from reality, and you may avoid confronting real issues in your day-to-day life. . I see that the Hemi-Sync approach and the Orion work is based on respect of the individuals who come to the work; a trusting in the innate wisdom available to each of us. This article covers the ruler of the 7th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. I have lost friends but in a very different way through retiring and moving away! Perfection is also like the sea a moving, variable element, that is at times calm and still; at other times rolling and flowing; and at other times still, crashing and powerful. I had always written Edgar Cayce and metaphysical articles that had very limited interest. It is important for you to keep the integrity of your own personality and self-image. It is my belief that the core problems with compulsive over-eating, or actually any addictive behavior1, are 1) a fear of life, 2) a fear of people/intimacy and these two fears produce disconnectedness.