Transnistria and Russia termed the act an "economic blockade". [42], In the 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost in the Soviet Union allowed political liberalisation at a regional level. Also, for the first time, the population had the option to identify as "Transnistrian". Job cuts are very much on corporate minds. Conflict erupted on several occasions when the PMR prevented the villagers from reaching their farmland east of the road.[63][64]. However, the Moldovan/Ukrainian block remains in place and holds up progress in status settlement negotiations between the sides. The United States, the European Union, and the OSCE approved the Ukrainian move, while Russia saw it as a means of political pressure. [131], According to a 2007 interview with Yevgeny Shevchuk, the then-speaker of the Transnistrian Supreme Council, Transnistria is in a difficult economic situation. In 1924, the Moldavian ASSR was proclaimed within the Ukrainian SSR; the ASSR included today's Transnistria (4,100km2, 1,600sqmi) and an area (4,200km2, 1,600sqmi) to the northeast around the city of Balta, but nothing from Bessarabia, which at the time formed part of Romania. On the west bank, in Bessarabia, the city of Bender (Tighina) and four communes (containing six villages) to its east, south-east, and south, on the opposite bank of the river Dniester from the city of Tiraspol (Proteagailovca, Gsca, Chicani, and Cremenciug) are controlled by the PMR. In the interest of preserving a unified Moldavian SSR within the USSR and preventing the situation escalating further, then Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, while citing the restriction of civil rights of ethnic minorities by Moldova as the cause of the dispute, declared the Transnistria proclamation to be lacking legal basis and annulled it by presidential decree on 22 December 1990. Misc. [101] In that prelude, similar unattributed clashes happened in Donbas in February 2022: Ukraine denied being involved in those incidents and called them a false flag operation as well. [85] The largest company in the textile industry is Tirotex, which claims to be the second largest textile company in Europe. [137] In the early 2000s over 50% of the export went to the CIS, mainly to Russia, but also to Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova (which Transnistrian authorities consider foreign). This law effectively terminates the "Agreement on transit of Russian military units temporarily located on the territory of the Republic of Moldova through the territory of Ukraine" dated 4 December 1998. dashboard S&P 500 Index Dashboard Browse Countries, Sectors, Industries, Stock Indices & Top Companies Countries / Sectors-Industries Indices Country / Territory AND / OR [104], As of 2007[update], the armed forces and the paramilitary of Transnistria were composed of around 4,5007,500 soldiers, divided into four motorised infantry brigades in Tiraspol, Bender, Rbnia, and Dubsari. For example, the percentage of Russians grew from 13.7% in 1926 to 25.5% in 1989 and further to 30.4% in 2004, while the Moldovan population decreased from 44.1% in 1926 to 39.9% in 1989 and 31.9% in 2004. [79] The PMR government said "the government of Moldova launched a campaign aimed at convincing international observers not to attend" an election held on 11 December 2005 but monitors from the Russian-led Commonwealth of Independent States election monitors ignored that and declared the ballot democratic. [56] Known as "the Kozak memorandum", it did not coincide with the Transnistrian position, which sought equal status between Transnistria and Moldova, but gave Transnistria veto powers over future constitutional changes; this encouraged Transnistria to sign it. We're bringing the voice of Ukraine to the world. The capital city, which is also the largest, is Chiinu. Apple Incorporation's ranking is the second most valuable company globally, following Saudi Aramco in Saudi Arabia, with a $2.332 Trillion. The warehouse in Transnistria has 20,000 tons of ammo that would provide bullets for Ukraine for a year A cafe in Transnistria called Back in the USSR (MEE/Andrei Popoviciu) Tiraspol announced earlier this year its highest ever trade turnover with Russia of more than $820 million. [147], In November 2005 Ion Iovcev, the principal of a Romanian-language school in Transnistria and active advocate for human rights as well as a critic of the Transnistrian leadership, received threatening calls that he attributed to his criticism of the separatist regime. Apart from that, the Operational Group of Russian Forces of around 1,000 soldiers and officers is stationed in the unrecognized republic to ensure the security of ammunition depots that store more . The territory controlled by the PMR is mostly, but not completely, conterminous with the left (eastern) bank of Dniester. [143], According to a US Department of State report for 2006, "Both of the region's major newspapers were controlled by the authorities. The short form is Pridnestrovie (Russian: , pronounced[pr.dn.stro.vju]; Romanian: Nistrenia, Moldovan Cyrillic alphabet: ,[38] pronounced[]; Ukrainian: ', Prydnistrovia, pronounced[pr.dni.str.j]), meaning "[land] by the Dniester". This party, led by a former separatist leader and member of the PMR government Andrey Safonov, allegedly favours a union with Moldova. largest company in transnistria. European . This is the list of the largest companies in the S&P 500 index by market capitalization. 90% of the population of Transnistria are citizens of Transnistria. As of 2009[update] the population of Transnistria comprised about 555,000 people. Following a large scale privatisation process in the late 1990s,[117] most of the companies in Transnistria are now privately owned. The urbanisation rate was 69.9%. Russian troops stationed in parts of Moldova except Transnistria since the time of the USSR were fully withdrawn to Russia by January 1993. Here you get access to unique top lists based on the 500,000 largest companies in the Nordic region. ; 2 Bendery - Inside the Moldovan territory with a beautiful fortress to its north. [54] In mid-April 1992, under the agreements on the split of the military equipment of the former Soviet Union negotiated between the former 15 republics in the previous months, Moldova created its own Defence Ministry. On 22 March 2007 Gazprom sold Transnistria's gas debt to the Russian businessman Alisher Usmanov, who controls Moldova Steel Works, the largest enterprise in Transnistria. [120][121][122][bettersourceneeded] Some commentators, including Zbigniew Brzezinski, have even labelled it a mafia state. It is included in Forbes' list of America's Best Banks 2021 and the Just 100 Companies 2021 that features both private and public companies that practice responsible capitalism. This corporation has extensive foreign contacts and a well-developed network of partners, especially in Russia, . The Japanese carmaker is one of only two Asian firms to make it into the top 20 transnational companies by assets; Honda, another carmaker, ranks 19th. Chitcani Monastery (Noul Neamt) 18 Religious Sites By TopToursMoldova THE VIEW FROM THE BELL TOWER IS AMAZING! [106][107], In October 2015, Transnistrian authorities organised another separate census from the 2014 Moldovan census. [55] Starting from 2 March 1992, there was concerted military action between Moldova and Transnistria. Home; Categories. Transnistria's president Igor Smirnov has announced that Transnistria will not pay its gas debt because "Transnistria has no legal debt to Gazprom". Sheriff, the biggest Transnistrian company, is suspected of mass money laundering on behalf of the Transnistrian government, which makes most of its profits through arms manufacturing with its high-security plants. Transnistria's economy is frequently described as dependent on contraband[119] and gunrunning. ADVERTISEMENT With 2021 profits over $45 billion and assets topping 5 trillion, the ICBC ranks yet again as the largest lender in the world. From an economic perspective, Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe. It includes ten cities and towns, and 69 communes, with a total of 147 localities (counting the unincorporated ones as well). "The false information being disseminated is aimed at creating panic and confusion among the residents of both banks of the Dniester [river]," the Moldovan MOD had stated. Remark that we have left two companies out of this top for technical reasons. In April 1990, nationalist mobs attacked ethnic Russian members of parliament, while the Moldovan police refused to intervene or restore order.[50]. After World War II, Transnistria was heavily industrialised, to the point that, in 1990, it was responsible for 40% of Moldova's GDP and 90% of its electricity,[126] although it accounted for only 17% of Moldova's population. While the pandemic led to a decrease in collective revenue, it saw a record number of women running the Global 500 businesses. [127] However, several years later, it decided to head toward a market economy. With 2021 coming to a close, it's time to highlight seven more major companies that rose to the occasion this year. The rankings and market cap data of these companies are updated regularly. Walmart also led ranking of companies by revenue in 2022, with a total revenue of about 600. On 4 March, Transnistria responded by blocking the Moldovan and Ukrainian transport at the borders of Transnistria. Overall, the 195 smallest producers included in the report . All UN member states consider Transnistria a legal part of the Republic of Moldova. The EU financed various projects in Abkhazia beginning in the late 1990s, and within a few years had become its largest donor. !" The OSCE also observed and verified the withdrawal of 48 trains with military equipment and ammunition in 2003. [48], The nationalist Popular Front won the first free parliamentary elections in the Moldavian SSR in early 1990,[49] and its agenda started slowly to be implemented. However, as recently as 2005, registration hurdles were met with by some religious groups, notably the Jehovah's Witnesses. The former Soviet 14th Guards Army entered the conflict in its final stage, opening fire against Moldovan forces;[55] approximately 700 people were killed. The company faced a huge setback in 2012 along with other home building famous companies. The Russian government denied the claims. In 2001, in one region it was reported that Igor Smirnov collected 103.6% of the votes. Company Highlights: Lithia Motors, Inc. is one of the largest providers of personal transportation solutions in the United States and is among the fastest growing companies in the Fortune 500. [47] Transnistria's ethnic and linguistic composition differed significantly from most of the rest of Moldova. Shortly afterwards, a military conflict between the two parties started in March 1992 and concluded with a ceasefire in July that year. Of these, 439,243 lived in Transnistria itself, and 116,104 lived in localities controlled by the PMR government, but formally belonging to other districts of Moldova: the city of Bender (Tighina), the communes of Proteagailovca, Gsca, Chicani, Cremenciug, and the village of Roghi of commune Molovata Nou. International air travellers rely on the airport in Chiinu, the Moldovan capital, or the airport in Odessa, in Ukraine. The present history of the region dates to 1990, during the dissolution of the Soviet Union, when the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic was established in hopes that it would remain within the Soviet Union should Moldova seek unification with Romania or independence, the latter occurring in August 1991.