Africa is too diverse to be united. We are all different yet are oneAfrican. The African Union (AU) offers you the opportunity to pursue a career in a rewarding and challenging work environment with great learning and development possibilities. It also hosts British, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish military bases. AU observer missions are now sent as a matter of routine to cover elections in all member states, in accordance with the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (2007). I agree that each country should work on their issues before they think of fixing others problem, but as I said before problems never end we might fix this and something else will always pop out to fill the void .Look at America for example, it has lots of problems for racism and police brutality and so may others but that doesnt limit them from donating and helping other countries and I think if we join we have a chance to solve these problem together some of African countries are facing problems that other African countries seem to have been able to solve them. Peace and Security Council (PSC)By decision AHG/Dec 160 (xxxvii) of the Summit of Lusaka, July 2001, a decision was made for the creation within the African Union of the Peace and Security Council. Tanzania's refusal to sign the EPA has obvious implications for the regional integration process. It would make the country much more governable. In the eyes of colonialist countries, that was impossible. On 9.9.1999, the Heads of State and Government of the Organisation of African Unity issued a Declaration (the Sirte Declaration) calling for the establishment of an African Union, with a view, inter alia, to . Problems will always be there,hence that is not areason to avoid u iting Africans. African countries gain economically from hosting foreign military bases. RURAL ECONOMY AND AGRICULTURE (Rural Economy, Agriculture and Food Security, Livestock, Environment, Water and Natural Resources and Desertification)8. Pessimistic people will go no where in life, have to WANT to be great in order to be great. We propose the elimination of borders a single currency and a single passport. Or is our sorry state divided and dependent on the west and east sufficient for you? Things Fall Apart is a perfect novel to study colonialism as it deals with the perspectives of the colonizer and the colonized. The adoption of such a language, if at all accepted by speakers of the other 2,000 African languages, would require an extraordinary amount of effort, especially funding. I am an Ethiopian American who migrated to the U.S.A many years ago. It tries to prevent conflicts between member nations and solve any disputes that do arise quickly and peacefully. The AU would have to adopt an appropriate strategy to manage international cooperation in an era of globalisation and in a changing world order; it would need to come up with a relevant and practical conceptualisation of innovative and transformative partnership which its member states would certainly need to complement national development efforts. The distrust among members comes normally as a result of differences in political ideologies. Not through another catastrophic political unification. Some conflicts have been raging for decades. It sad to read that some africans are against such endeavor. The African Union realizes that its member nations must unite and cooperate to compete in the world's increasingly globalized economy and foreign relations. (Strategies, advantages, disadvantages, for the North and South) This is a big deal because the North show more content The Confederates economic was a disadvantage, they didn't have a lot of money or troops. #AfricaUnite, We will have our own USA I mean the United states of Africa amen.The first step is to take action stop talking, China and India are often referenced as good replicas for Africa in this regard, but both countries owe their success to shared ancestral language among their people. No some will develop then some will probably be run through the mud cos they cant meet tenth of the own countries demand. The emerging conflict in the Cabo Delgado Province in Mozambique falls into this category. Again, a critical reason the economies of equally larger unions such as China and India have worked is because of the homogeneity of values among their people. The racist bastards dont want to be a part of it as it will bring them back so that just leaves eastern western and southern. The African Union is one of the world 's most dominant intergovernmental operations. P.O. However, at the same time, unified government can prove to have disadvantages as the presidents ultimate goal is to be reelected which would mean appealing to the moderates. We can be more optimistic! A major goal of the African Union is to encourage the collective defense, security, and stability of its members. Most advocates of a United States of Africa often propose a unitary system with one parliament and president. The African Union has shifted focus from supporting liberation movements in the erstwhile African territories under colonialism and apartheid, as envisaged by the OAU since 1963 and the Constitutive Act, to an organization spear-heading Africas development and integration. The leaders of the African Union work together to promote health, education, peace, democracy, human rights, and economic success. Retrieved from The continental body should be empowered to act against any party that violates core values centred on human dignity. (accessed March 4, 2023). INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENERGY (Energy, Transport, Communications, Infrastructure and Tourism)4. I think a common language and standards for various needs could be a good idea. Two years later he was dead. In the future, the African Union hopes to benefit people of African origin living throughout the world. Its up to you live for areason that would die rather than dieing for a reason that would live. That was the mantra back then and it is the mantra today. Malema proposed Swahili as the ideal language for a united Africa considering it is the most widely spoken indigenous language. In 1750 - 1900, European countries wanted to build empires all over the world; they wanted to provide materials for industrialization. This hypothetical national wouldnt be called the USA instead The United Lands of Africa (ULA). Mr. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, was appointed to lead the AU institutional reforms process. ECOSOCCThe Economic, Social and Cultural Council, an advisory organ composed of different social and professional groups of the Member States of the Union. Notably, its military intervention in The Gambia forced the despotic Yahya Jammeh to vacate office in early 2017, after losing the presidential elections. As for the. disadvantages of african union. leisure exploration checklist occupational therapy; aboriginal flag emoji copy; pwnhealth login covid; can a first offense dui be dismissed; love island game lucy They pledged not to bequeath the burden of conflicts to the next generation of Africans. There will be the less corruption between the leaders and the population because there will be more stable security in all parts of EAC members The use of the same currency in the E.A.C region will reduce monetary union instability and it will eliminate the rate of the exchange rate and favors trade for the participated countries. No traditional African society was the same in its approach to commerce and trade as the other, and those values stand until today. Here are five reasons he and other advocates of a United States of Africa should have a rethink. China and India are often referenced as good replicas for Africa in this regard, but both countries owe their success to shared ancestral language among their people. Also in unified government, filibusters would not be needed. If any african becomes the head of state, they will immediately be opposed by other ethnic groups. The Assembly of Heads of State and Government is the supreme organ of the Union.The Executive CouncilComposed of Ministers or Authorities designated by the Governments of Members States. A confederation is a loose association, rather than a firm union, of states. a baker mixes all the necessary ingredients tests them to his/her satisfactory before putting the made dough into the oven. Citizens of some AU member states are apprehensive about the consequences on their personal well- being and livelihoods of growing Chinese presence in their national economies. Nigeria and the African Union (AU) are good examples. African Union. The advantages of a customs union: Customs union eliminates the requirement for a few regulations and customs checks at the border. But Swahili only has some 140 million speakers, which is less than 15 percent of the 1.2 billion population of the continent. For an area like the EU, this is a substantial part of the economy. However, the OAU was largely criticized from the beginning. I agree with you lekki. In 1984, Morocco left the OAU because it opposed the membership of Western Sahara. Instead, I kept mine and learned new way of life. Africa has the population to influence geopolitic in Europe and China.,,, China is taking over Zambias National Assets, but the Nightmare is just getting Started for Africa, #AfricaLF17 Register to attend the 2017 Africa Liberty Forum in South Africa, 5 Reasons Why a United States of Africa may Fail, South Africa: Research says Covid-19 Alarmism is doing More harm than Good. One leader in control of a big entity with enormous resources, judging by the political history of modern Africa, would be extremely dangerous. Others believe either federalism or confederalism would work better to preserve the autonomy of the numerous ethnic groups. The OAU: The Precursor to the African Union, The Improvement of Government, Finances, and Infrastructure. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Trade Unions In South Africa. Its thus imperative to set up long-term, people-centred, innovative and inclusive measures to promote peace. Imperialism is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force Dictionary Definition of Imperialism. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Unfortunately, Africa still is under the drip of those oppressors. Since then, four Summits have been held leading to the official launching of the African Union: Vision of the African UnionThe vision of the African Union is that of: An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in global arena. This vision of a new, forwardlooking, dynamic and integrated Africa will be fully realized through relentless struggle on several fronts and as a long-term endeavour. In 1994, South Africa joined the OAU after the fall of apartheid. And thinking like that is the reason why your continent will always be a shithole. Although the OAU gave weapons to rebels and was successful in eliminating colonization, it could not eliminate the massive poverty problem. I dont think u r going abou it right. I dont think that we will amount to anything own our own . If there is $200 trillion in minerals in the soil, I could loan 10 times that to the people, initiate a giant works program building modern infrastructure across the continent stimulating trade making every citizen theoretically 2 million usd richer once done. We have some of the best leaders in out continent as a whole and if we move beyond our own difference we can make Africa great once again. Ordinary people can also provide vital information to early warning systems. Since member states or countries have different official languages, it sometimes makes communication quite difficult. Majority being Nigeria ethiopia egypt Drc south africa kenya and Tanzania. Burkina Faso is bordered in the North and the West by Mali; in the South by Cote dIvoire, Ghana, Togo and Ghana and to the East by Niger. We have been raised in a way that everything we do , we always fall short or fail but i believe that if we can bring some of Africa best minds together this can be done and done with excellency. Some of these RECs, such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the East African Community (EAC) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), have been quite active in exploring possibilities to harmonize budgetary and fiscal policies and for a monetary union on the basis of a common currency. But if you realize that once united we could create a line of credit using the continents aggregate resources and fund projects which will make us all financially more competitive and secure. India was unify not because of language. A trade union is an organisation which consists of members, including workers and union leaders who come together to protect and stimulate their common interests. ONE PASSPOST Definition and Historical Perspective, The Origins, Purpose, and Proliferation of Pan-Africanism, Biography of Julius Kambarage Nyerere, Father of Tanzania, Ongoing UN Peacekeeping Missions in Africa, History and Principles of the United Nations, Economic Community of West African States. The aim of this article is to place the African Union's (AU) membership admission approach within the context of the aspiration to deepen regional integration efforts in Africa. I also think that deviding the continent into blocks would be the best way to go about it. A bill has to pass through both houses of congress as well as the president before it can be an official law. In a unified government where the majority of people share the same views, it would be less likely to need to delay bills or throw them out because everyone would already find a way to agree on most of them. On 9.9.1999, the Heads of State and Government of the Organisation of African Unity issued a Declaration (the Sirte Declaration) calling for the establishment of an African Union, with a view, inter alia, to accelerating the process of integration in the continent to enable it play its rightful role in the global economy while addressing multifaceted social, economic and political problems compounded as they are by certain negative aspects of globalisation. In the end of the day as much as Nigeria has its issues, I will always be proud of being Yoruba & Nigerian first then African second and their is nothing wrong with that. But peace and security continue to elude the continent. Countries that are alike and have mutual interests work together. Additionally the majority will have power over the minorities. We need to stop hating each other ,hating anything African , looking down our own old customs and beliefs The numbers are going up via bilateral agreements between African states and foreign governments. Constricting everyone into a single mode of economic reasoning would be inhumane as much as it would be, chaotic. I can look at life in many angles and make wise and informed decisions. They know I can make their home look better and work better. This essay will validate the effects of colonialism in Africa and how it affected the economy of Africa states which led them to be in the current economic state, furthermore, it will outline how colonizers used their colonial methods to get Africans to change their indigenous ways of doing things. Such bottom-up solutions, based on intimate knowledge of local areas, are key to success. We would also have a congress (council) that would make the Nations laws.