In order to be a culturally competent therapist, one should try to avoid their personal feelings and previous experiences with race, culture, and gender. Low-context cultures tend to be more opportunistic and individual oriented. What types of psychological impact do they have on marginalized groups? Group.d. "fears of White people"b. In order to become culturally competent, it is equally important to read about diverse groups as it is to increase your contact with diverse groups. Creating a community that is more inclusive and equitable in its treatment of racial/ethnic minorities. a. IC-IR. Immediate solutions and tangible forms of treatment. Angry and guilty.c. Ignoring the thoughts of others. Anticipate potential conflicts in belief systems that might hinder the ability tobe therapeutically effective.b. a. IC-IR. d. American Indians. It is a form of massage therapy to suck out "bad" air.d. How should a lack of self-disclosure be understood when working with diverse populations? c. Shame, disgust, frustration. The universal level is consistent with social science research. Tend to be obvious, direct, and intentional. Believe that Asian American clients are pathological.c. d. All of the above. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. Espiritismo refers to:a. b. Accepting responsibility and rectifying past injustices. And sometimes, seemingly "small" things that are outside of the core work of counseling can make a big difference to a client. Introspection Stage.d. Anger, shame, guilt. Tend to be obvious, direct, and intentional.b. d. All of the above. People feel they have an honored place at the table.c. The genetically deficient model.d. Diversity.c. One reason why therapists shy away from discussing religion and spirituality with their clients is due to fears that the therapists lack competence in this area. b. Western therapy does not oppress people of color & so-called psychological problems of minority groups may reside not within but outside of our clients. European immigrants escaping persecution did not recognize their role in theoppression of Americ. When a therapist of color has a healthy racial identity, he/she is immune fromexperiencing stereotype threat. c. Unequal and unfair treatment of women that appears unusual to the majority of people and is carried out unintentionally or unconsciously. The expectation of hopelessness is characterized in which constellation? Woofing refers to a style of verbal banter that includes niceties and compliments. Which of the following descriptions was NOT a part of the model: a. Traditionalist. c. High-low context. Encountering a person of color who believes in the inferiority of other peopleof color.c. African Americans.d. Which of the following is true regarding counseling and therapy as a communication style: a. Catatonic Disorder.e. 2.3k. b. b. An emotional bond between therapist and client.c. c. Strong therapeutic alliance. d. None of the above. The statement, "There is only one race: the human race" is an example of:a. Ascription of Intelligenceb. A measure of control clients possess over their internal and external environment. the weather).b. Behavioral. d. None of the above. Which of the following is NOT a relevant question for counselors to ask: a. d. Internalization. c. A measure of belief about the role of internal forces in determining success and failure in society. e. None of the above. f. None of the above. d. Attempts to overlook racial/cultural differences in counseling practice. ________________ interventions are increasingly promoted in social work, school psychology, clinical psychology, counseling, and psychiatry. Which of the following is an example of an environmental microaggression:a. d. African Americans tend to believe that ideas are to be tested in the crucible of argument. Often occur when there are no plausible alternative explanations.c. The group level of human existence does which of the following in understandinghuman nature:a. c. Counseling and therapy will always be needed and tend toward remediation rather than prevention. It appears to be culturally conditioned.d. In examining the status of ethnic minority groups in the Los Angeles County Mental Health System and the effects of ethnic and language match, our study had some unique features. Help the client "fit in" and "become a good citizen. Have a detrimental impact upon marginalized groups. a. It is likely that Mark Kiselica had a difficult time embracing the material in Counseling the Culturally Diverse because he came from a privileged, affluent background. Touring the world with friends one mile and pub at a time; best perks for running killer dbd. b. The enlightenment of personal spirit. Traditional medicine. Culture.c. May betray a lack of knowledg. Seeks universal "facts" in understanding human behavior. Make clients feel uncomfortable and assail their identity. c. Collaboration. f150 abs delete; 1870 novel about a woman; sample letter to stop automatic payments; veronica cartwright the good doctor; . Different cultural groups may be more receptive to certain counseling styles because of cultural and sociocultural factors. Invalidate the client. d. Defines goals consistent with the life experiences and cultural values of clients. Undressing in publi. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain: Haven't found what you were looking for? Situation-centered.b. It assumes that insight always leads to behavior change.d. Traditional counseling practice that emphasizes individualism and control. Which of the following culture-bound syndromes are attributed to "an excess loss of semen": a. Counselors have an opportunity to build trust with a client with every interaction. One's degree of comfort in an unfamiliar cultural. Introspection Stage.b. When counselors remain unaware of their own biases, their nonverbal behaviorsare likely to reveal their true feelings. Blatant and harmful treatment of women [overt sexism] that is conscious anddeliberat, Aversive racists tend to:a. Consciously assert egalitarian values but unconsciously hold anti-minorityfeelings.b. Agreeableness.b. c. A culturally competent perspective. As health care becomes increasingly complex, nurses must continue to successfully deal with greater amounts of clinical ambiguity. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority . b. d. Believe their ethnicity represents a handicap in Western society. Only White individuals need to learn cultural competence. Building a healthy validating society for all groups.d. d. Trying to manipulate the counselor. The client is passive, repressed, or inhibited. Rational. b. e. None of the above. d. Arabs and South Americans may prefer a much closer stance than is normally comfortable for White Euro-Americans. The power of nonverbal communication is that it operates primarily under conscious control. Therapists of color are more qualified to understand clients' feelings of inferiorityand rejection because of their own experiences of racism and discrimination. Pani. d. EC-ER. They view Whites as agents of society who may use the information agains. Culturally diverse clients who do not conceive of mental and physical health as separate entities may expect: a. Empathic listening. d. None of the above. Often occur when there are no plausible alternative explanations. Because of cultural misunderstandings, a counselor that works with a person from a minority background might conclude that the client is___________ if he/she avoids eye contact: a. d. Introspection Stage. People's ability to control their level of self-esteem. b. Encountering a person of color who believes in the inferiority of other people of color. Unequal and favorable treatment of women that is conducted in a hidden manner. e. None of the above. Many members of marginalized groups feel that the reality of their oppressiveexperiences is ignored by those in power because of their own discomfort. c. Resistant and disrespectful. While minority groups may discriminate, they do not have the systemic power tooppress on a large-scale basis. How a person perceives his or her relationship to nature, institutions, people,and the experiential world.c. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to shelter the disturbed individual. Which of the following terms was nonexistent for the author in his graduateschool days:a. Multicultural.b. VIEWS. A teacher pulls aside a Black student to question the authorship of his well-done book report.b. What is true regarding the Naikan therapy?a. A culturally competent counselor would exhibit which of the followingcharacteristics:a. c. The nature and expression of racism has evolved into a more subtle and ambiguous form. c. Sincerity, openness, defensiveness, passivity. Cross introduces the concept of _________ _________, the degree to which race is an important and integral part of a person's approach to life. It is a matter of concern that clients from ethnic minorities are the most unlikely to use therapeutic services. b. Decreasing. b. One of the four psychological dilemmas that have been identified whenmicroaggressions occur is the "clashing of cultural values. d. Shenkui. c. Treatment was only temporarily successful. One important concept of developing appropriate intervention strategies is to: a. Limiting use of self-disclosure when working with an Asian American client is an example of multicultural counseling competence. b. Includes a vision of society in which distribution of resources is equitable andall members are safe and secure.c. 2. : the smaller of two groups constituting a whole: as. Consciously sympathize with victims of past injustice.c. Pride in one's racial and cultural identity is most likely to be accepted by an:a. IC-IR person.b. So-called psychological problems, Some researchers have argued that minority-group individuals underutilize andprematurely terminate counseling/therapy because:a. Which of the following is NOT an important aspect of the therapeutic alliance: a. Which of the following is true regarding Western forms of healing: a. "Playing it cool" has been identified as a means by which Blacks as well as other people of color: a. However, this article was a theoretical examination and no research A cultural adaptation. b. Mrs. Thor attributed the symptoms to spirits. d. Resistance and Immersion Stage. In regard to the meaning of facial expressions:a. Validate . ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. Western society tends to value ___________, which involves linear thinking. Achieving these two goals is blocked, however, when White clinicians fail to understand how issues of race inuence the therapy process Counselors' acceptance of potential benefits of spirituality as a means of copingwith helplessness, powerlessness, and identity issues is:a. Increasing.b. c. Group. c. Culture-bound values, location, and language variables. Gender.d. Question 7 1 out of 1 points Ambiguity during a session may make the . Cognitive behavioral therapy, but not psychodynamic therapy, includes many components of White culture. Beliefs such as "we are all part of the human race" and "I do not see color" aremost helpful in establishing empathy between the therapist and clients of color. A full understanding of how racism operates in society and hatred towardsWhites.b. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. Ethnocentric Monoculturalism.c. Findings from qualitative research can inform an empirically supported treatment. When the counselor and Latino/a client do not speak the same language, it is considered good practice to use the client's child as an interpreter. Martin on February 28, 2023 at 5:49 pm said: zero hedge - The Left Is Right To Fear Tucker Carlson. b. Extended, rare exchanges between White people and people of color.c. All of the above.f. A Latin American, Black American, or Arab American may perceive thecounselor that backs away from a client to be:a. a. what does hong kong flight departure mean shein. e. All of the above. Acknowledge racism. Characteristics such as facial expression, posture, characteristics of movement,gestures, and eye contact are:a. Kinesics.b. U.S. society is characterized by which philosophy? You see them as chronically dependent. b. Acceptable treatment of women that women nonetheless consider to represent "hidden" sexism. Introspection Stage. If a person believes in the concepts of democracy and fairness, they are incapableof discrimination. Utilizing cultural sayings or metaphors in treatment.d. a. In order to become culturally competent, it is equally important to read aboutdiverse groups as it is to increase your contact with diverse groups. d. Conformity Stage. Having the ability to expand our definition of the helping role to communitywork and involvement" signifies:a. Explain cap-and-trade and the Kyoto Protocol. a. Pre-encounter. What is the key element that can destroy trustworthiness within a helping relationship? c. Discipline. Feelings of having been brainwashed by the forces of White society would mostlikely be found in the:a. Conformity Stage.b. b. Feel empowered as he/she can take the lead in session. d. Awareness. Were more in favor of group rather than individual action for dealing withdiscrimination.c. Value individual responsibility and autonomy. Culture is the only reference group included in the definition. Spirituality involves a specific doctrine and particular system of beliefs. Bias is a little studied but viable explanation for these disparities. In Cross's Black racial identity model, which stage shows the beginning development of Black pride? d. All of the above. Rather than labeling thoughts as rational or irrational, the terms "helpful thoughts" and "unhelpful thoughts" are used. An empirically supported treatment.b. a. Agreeableness. c. Hmong Sudden Death Syndrome. Which stage is characterized by a disdain for the dominant culture anddevelopment of pride in one's own culture:a. Integrative Awareness Stage.b. Feel that they have the space to explore feelings. Difficulties in the ___________ _____________ may be a factor in theunderutilization of mental health services and early termination of therapy seenwith minority clients. d. Racial identity. b. Disrespectful and unintelligent. Clark and Sue both discussed feeling like they were outsiders during graduate school. d. Black males and females tend to use more reflection and self-exploration than their White counterparts. b. IC-ER. There is only one racethe human race.d. Race. Individual.b. To survive slavery, African-Americans often adopted a pattern of:a. d. Low-context communication is considered to be faster, more economical, and more satisfying. Woofing refers to a style of verbal banter that includes niceties and compliments. Cultural competent practice.c. For the past 20+ years, I've worked on screen and behind the camera to help a whole gamut of story makers, including scientists, savants, farmers, doctors, successful entrepreneurs, politicians, and Academy Award winners, share their unique message with the world. According to Sue and Sue, minority clients are 50 percent more likely to prematurely terminate counseling after their initial meeting with a counselor or other mental health practitioner. d. Pani. Maintain communication and development cadences virtually. Scientific Empiricism. Counselors' acceptance of potential benefits of spirituality as a means of coping with helplessness, powerlessness, and identity issues is: a. Which of the following is an example of an environmental microaggression: a. Discipline.d. c. Victim blaming. Acting appropriately.b. An Indian belief.b. Resistance and Immersion Stage.c. . Good counseling practice is good counseling practice regardless of clients'race or ethnicity.b. Support the principles of racial equality.d. d. Not known. d. All of the above. c. Whites go to great lengths not to appear biased. Sadness, guilt, anxiety. Equal treatment may be discriminatory treatment. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to problem solve in agro, Studies suggest that which two pathologies are most frequently found withrefugees from Southeast Asia:a. Schizophrenia and Dependent Personality Disorderb. d. All of the above. competent counselor should broach the topic of culture? Creating a community that is more inclusive and equitable in its treatment ofracial/ethnic minorities.c. The lack of facial expression in many Asians has contributed to their "modelminority" status.b. a. IC-IR. c. People sensing they are being tolerated don't feel welcome. Mesh well with the more collectivistic or. c. EC-IR. Shifting the dialogue to other group differences such as gender.c. primary, secondary tertiary prevention of measles; alimentation marathon pdf. c. Services are too accommodating. A recent surgeon general's report and various studies document racial and ethnic disparities in mental health care, including gaps in access, questionable diagnostic practices, and limited provision of optimum treatments. All too often, counseling and psychotherapy seem to ignore which dimension of human existence? e. None of the above. It implies that appreciation is being fostered.b. Counselors have generally focused on individual or universal levels of identity while placing less importance on the group level because: a. U.S. society rose from the concept of "rugged individualism." c. It appears to be culturally conditioned. EC-IR.d. Strongly influenced by gender.c. Hall of the House and committee rooms, for members' and . c. Engaged in more civil rights activities. The invisible veil refers to: a. d. Alien in Own Landd. Racial identity.e. An Indian belief. The manual is informed by the insights from a two-year research project investigating the tolerance of ambiguity in project managers, funded by the Project Management Institute. High-low context.d. c. Euro-Americans find a highly emotional response more credible than a dispassionate one. A culturally competent counselor is one who believes: a. d. Racism was eliminated with the social acceptance and legal codification of the goals and values of the civil rights movement. All of the above. Some researchers have argued that minority-group individuals underutilize and prematurely terminate counseling/therapy because: a. Reference groups related to race, ethnicity, sexual orientati, A culturally competent counselor is one who believes:a. EC-IR.d. Marginal individuals: a. d. Expertness. A male student calls a female student a "bitch."c. 2023 . Koro.c. Microaggressions: a. People sensing they are being tolerated don't feel welcome.d. a. IC-IR. d. None of the above. You see them as chronically dependent.c. Which of the following statements is inaccurate regarding proxemics: a. Which counselor characteristics work to build trust: a. c. A reflection of monocultural values is superordinate to multicultural values. Mahiki.d. 3.When and if the client brings it up. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client: Feel uncomfortable Your client Michael, from a lower socioeconomic background may have a low regard for punctuality because: Unavoidable and inevitabl, Which of the following represents a microinvalidation:a. 4 . Early research indicates that African Americans who scored high external on thelocus of control:a. Rather than labeling thoughts as rational or irrational, the terms "helpfulthoughts" and "unhelpful thoughts" are used.b. b. Which statement about the differences between Black and White styles of communication is inaccurate? Culture is the only reference group included in the definition.c. I'm a visual storyteller, content creator, entrepreneur, and mom. d. Counseling and therapy are at odds with each other and tend toward fabrication rather than addressing real issues. c. Revealing their true self only to fellow Blacks. Multicultural counseling practice can be defined as both a helping role and process that uses which of the following: a. c. The barrier between therapist and client because of differences in goals. Here are just a few small steps clinicians can take that will make a big impact on clients. Passivity.c. A shaman is a male healer who is able to communicate with the spirit world. e. None of the above. Cultural adaptations can include factors such as:a. In which stage would an individual be if they stated, "I like that no one can detect my accentthose people who speak with an accent sound stupid"? CHAPTER 8. Feel empowered as he/she can take the lead in session.b. d. None of the above. d. All of the above. d. All of the above. b. One stop for all your course learning material, explainations, examples and practice questions. Reality consists of what can be observed and measured via the five senses.c. Shifting the dialogue to other group differences such as gender. The word comes from a Latin term which means, "wandering about" and the adjective form of the word is ambiguous.Other terms used for ambiguity are amphibologia, amphibolia, and semantic ambiguity.In addition, ambiguity is sometimes regarded as a fallacy (commonly known as equivocation . Anticipate potential conflicts in belief systems that might hinder the ability to be therapeutically effective. b. Confrontational. March came in like a lion under the Gold Dome on Wednesday. d. How might the unconscious biases of helping professionals affect their ability to deliver culturally appropriate mental health services to marginalize groups? Which of the following is an approach often used in indigenous healing methodsin Korea:a. Hidden messages can seem innocuous while being distressing to the target. Sexism.c. Feel that they have the space to explore feelings. Intellectual competence. According to the authors, cultural competence is subordinate to counselingcompetence. Social therapy is needed.c. Staying the same.d. Intellectual competence.c. In the Resistance and Immersion stage, the minority person tends to ____________ minority-held views completely and to _________ the dominant values of society and culture. b. Make clients feel uncomfortable and assail their identity.c. Therapeutic modalities should be consistent with the lifestyles andcultural systems of c, One important concept of developing appropriate intervention strategies is to:a. d. All of the above. The goal is to have the person recognize and be grateful for what we receivefrom others.c. He is a board member for the American . What assumptions are embedded in the African American notion, "If you really want to know what White folks are thinking and feeling, don't listen to the way they say it, but how they say it."? b. The counselor is asking th, People of African descent may be especially reluctant to disclose to Whitecounselors because:a. Larry Summers' comment that test score differences between men and women were most likely due to "innate abilities" reflects: a. IC-IR.b. b. c. A traumatic event where one's self-deprecating beliefs are challenged. 0. b. Moving. Internal Control (IC) refers to: a. Limiting use of self-disclosure when working with an Asian American client is anexample of multicultural counseling competence. Most empirically supported treatments have been specifically demonstrated to be effective with ethnic minorities. Therapists of color are more qualified to understand clients' feelings of inferiority and rejection because of their own experiences of racism and discrimination. 1 . Consequence Stage.d. She is in the Microsoft Cloud for Industry Global Expansion Team (MCIGET) Industry Customer & Partner Engineering (ICPE) team. Enhancing trustworthiness between a counselor and a client is a building block toa healthy working relationship. Resistant and disrespectful, Insight is considered class-bound because:a. According to the authors, minority therapists working with White clients should avoid acknowledging their racial differences because it can cause tension and division. Heterosexism.d. feel uncomfortable. d. Potential changes are viewed as positive by the client. b. Empathic. In U.S. society, people seem more uncomfortable when others stand too closerather than too far away. Western approaches to psychological treatment are often based on ____________ value systems instead of the interdependent values found in many ethnic minority communities. Minority clients may express difficulties when being treated by white therapists. d. People's ability to control their level of self-esteem. People are more likely to deny racism or sexism than transphobia. d. Exhibited less innovative social action behavior. Assumption of Criminality. It is ve. Colorblindnessc. A friendly encounter with a White person. In considering nonverbal cues as a source of bias: a. Organizations are likely to be reflections of the monocultural values and practices ofthe larger culture. May betray a lack of comfort with talking about group differences.c. It is likely that Mark Kiselica had a difficult time embracing the material inCounseling the Culturally Diverse because he came from a privileged, affluentbackground. d. One's values as shaped solely by religion. Research involves evaluating the clinical utility of cell-free DNA in monitoring multiple myeloma cancer. What is true regarding the Naikan therapy? All of the above. Describes an ideology, which conforms to Eurocentric values.b. Accepting responsibility and rectifying past injustices.b. Microaggressions are:a. A fatalistic perspective. In the United States, minority groups are unlikely to inherit biases anddiscriminatory beliefs toward other minority groups. b. Had cultural credentials.b. in disney cream cheese pretzel recipe. You believe they cannot help themselves b. you see them as chronically dependent c. They are unimportant to society d. a and b. Constructivism.b. The belief that "good counseling is good counseling" represents an emicperspective. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to problem solve in a group context. Person-centered.c. Traditional counselors that have been trained to be direct and confrontational may be perceived by Asian American or Native American clients as: a. Disrespectful. b. All of the above. Angry and guilty. Measures the degree of responsibility of blame placed o. Larry Summers' comment that test score differences between men and womenwere most likely due to "innate abilities" reflects:a. ______________ involves the therapist's emotional reaction to the client based onthe therapist's own set of attitudes, beliefs, values, or experiences. Which of the following refers to the Native Hawaiian termination ritual in whichfood is offered to the gods and the participants:a. Pule weke.b. "Fronting" is a Black concept made to denote a person who is concealing how he/she honestly feels or believes. IC-ER.c. Empirically supported treatments must demonstrate: a. c. There is no braille next to the numbers in a elevator. In this way, the task isolates decisions made under risk and ambiguity, and avoids trial-to-trial learning. c. An Afro-centric perspective. c. The destruction of the physical world. a. Insight is considered class-bound because: a. c. Shame. c. Reference groups related to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age, and socioeconomic status are included in the definition. It assumes that all people are intelligent.b. A person can deliver a microaggression unintentionally.b. Learn more. Unequal and favorable treatment of women that is conducted in a hiddenmanner.b. Help the client "fit in" and "become a good citizen" c. Investigate the social system as the potential source of the problem d. Have remediation or elimination of the problem behaviors as the goal of therapy. Western philosophies. d. What lessons can we learn from a better understanding of the psychological dynamics of microaggressions? If a person believes in the concepts of democracy and fairness, they are incapable of discrimination. . a. Negates important aspect of people of color's identity. Superiority in the treatment of symptoms.d. All Whites in society are not racist. When greeting an Muslim client, it would be highly inappropriate to offer yourleft hand to shake. c. Interventions that are viewed as relevant by the therapist. Strongly correlated with race, culture, and ethnicity. Spirituality involves a specific doctrine and particular system of beliefs. Which of the following is an approach often used in indigenous healing methods in Korea: a. d. A world where spirits reside and impact people in the physical world.