As the clouds above them began to glow, a vibrant shard of light speared down from the smog, crackling as it hit the stone below. [1][6b], Mortarion then recruited the strongest and most resilient of warriors from the villages he went to. Geronitan's subordinate, Kaldor Draigo, assaulted the Daemon Primarch and spoke the true name that the Emperor had originally intended for him[8]. If The Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The daemon was the first to see a fragment of what Mortarion would eventually become in later centuries. Upon Typhon's advice, Mortarion would make the journey inside the Terminus Est as opposed to the Endurance. [22c], Sometime after the formation of the Great Rift, Mortarion battled his brother Perturabo in the War of Rust and Ruin. Even the hoses of his suit began to corrode and rot down and Mortarion was gasping for breath. Descending upon the battlefields of the 41st Millennium on wings of tattered leather is Mortarion, the Daemon Primarch of Nurgle. Didn't Khan come back to life and end up fucking off into the webway after that? . Their restless fleet ploughed the cold void from one campaign to the next, resupplying on the move, never pausing but to make war. Only Guilliman's presence could cure the sickness. He was in the dust of a corpse-king's court. Mortarion did not know it, but this voice was that of the Chaos God Nurgle, who had already chosen Mortarion to become his greatest mortal champion. The Khan sprang forward, seeing too late what was happening. Grateful, Mortarion immediately organized an attack on the Colossi Gate that Magnus would use as a screen while he infiltrated the Imperial Dungeon. Hannibal speaks to the imagination, to the feelings, to the passions, to exalted senses and to debased ones. 1082 Words5 Pages. Finding this stranger in conference with the village elders, Mortarion claimed that his people needed no outside help. The Death Lord at last was worthy of his title. Their weapons and armour were powered by the energies of Chaos and they became known as the Plague Marines, although they would still use the name Death Guard[7]. He had come home.[1][16][25]. >> Anonymous 02/28/23 . Events would prove the Emperor sorely mistaken. Mortarion was found on Barbarus, a planet covered in toxic fumes. The void around him now seethed with witchery, more virulent than ever. Canon [24], Following the withdrawal of Perturabo and the Iron Warriors from Terra Horus gave Mortarion the Lion's Gate Spaceport, which he turned into his own personal headquarters. The confrontation was brief. Can't help but imagine Mortarion and the Emperor working on the fields and in the dirt, while a squad of Custodians attends to the Emperor. So did systems fall, creating the Scourge Stars -- a trio of sickly star systems that had fallen to Nurgle. . But the daemon could see through all of the Primarch's lies and self-delusions and taunted him -- he didn't look all that pure to her at all. When the twenty primarchs of the Space Marine Legions were scattered across the galaxy in a mysterious accident, one came to rest on the planet Barbarus, a world wreathed in poisonous fog where the most advanced technology was that of steam power. Genres Science Fiction 40k Fiction. The Death Lord knew he would have to learn more. 'A compromised primarch is still a primarch,' the Emperor mused, still distracted. Over time Mortarion shaped the creed and practice of the Death Guard, his beliefs in many ways forming a natural extension of their own, beliefs and doctrine becoming ever more refined and extreme. "[1] Little Kitten did confirm that Kaldor Draigo had carved a name into a Daemon Primarch's heart: it has yet to be confirmed to be Mortarion in TTS Canon but it is a clear allusion to Kaldor's actions in canon.[2]. Jaghatai commanded his brother to say what he had come to the ruins of Prospero to say. The Khan had thought back then that they were empty threats, but he should have known better. The daemon explained to the Primarch that the Empyrean had many great forces within it, and one of them had Mortarion's name etched over his rusting throne. I believe that he does want to save mortarion and maybe he will. Worse still for the Primarch, the reactors of the Swordstorm had been set to overload and the Khan had since evacuated to the Battleship Lance of Heaven, which was leading the escape of the loyalist fleet into the Webway. When the twenty primarchs of the Space Marine Legions were scattered across the galaxy in a mysterious accident, one came to rest on the planet Barbarus, a world wreathed in poisonous fog where the most advanced technology was that of steam power.. Faced with Mortarion's new Daemonic endurance and strength, the Khan was brutally beaten down and nearly defenseless. Horus also used Mortarion's distrust of the Warp to his advantage, arguing that the Emperor had used the Warp in the creation of the Primarchs. You like Cults and you want to help us continue the adventure independently?Please note that we are a small team of 3 people, therefore it is very simple to support us to maintain the activity and create future developments.Here are 4 solutions accessible to all: ADVERTISING: Disable your banner blocker (AdBlock, ) and click on our banner ads. As for the purely human Death Guard that had once fought for him against the overlords of Barbarus, many now became the masters of that world. Mortarion predicted that only strife between the Primarchs would rise if the Emperor were to abandon the Great Crusade personally and used Horus as his proxy. In Mortarion's opinion it should have been cordoned off, put away, forgotten about forever by Mankind. [2], Horus found Mortarion more difficult to bring to his cause than either Angron or Fulgrim, and for a time it seemed the Warmaster may have failed to convince the Lord of the Death Guard. [17b], Mortarion accused Typhon of treachery, and the First Captain replied that he had indeed lied to his Primarch but for a greater purpose he would come to appreciate. Typhon had seen to it that the fleet's Navigators were killed to a man (claiming their loyalty was still to the Emperor), but reassured Mortarion that the Warp-gift he possessed would see them through their journey in the Empyrean safe enough. The warlord smiled and withdrew to the poisonous area above, unaware of the primarch's amazing respiratory abilities. Mortarion knew that he was now surrounded by the damned. The two primarchs circled one another, prepared to finally engage in a deadly duel that would decide their fates. In an ironic twist of fate, Mortarion has become exactly like the Overlords of Barbarus he vowed to kill ten thousand years ago. Mortarion is a very flawed protagonist which provides a poignant contrast to the many advantages he has been gifted (immortality, super intelligence, son of the Emperor, those sort of advantages). The Emperor granted Mortarion command of the XIV Space Marine Legion, then known as the Dusk Raiders, who quickly adopted the name, iconography and dogma of Mortarion's Death Guard. Mortarion is the Primarch of the Death Guard, and fourteenth son of the Emperor. Heute senkt sich die Klinge auf den Nacken der Tyrannei." Im fnfzehnten Primarchs-Roman feiert Mortarion seinen groen Auftritt He was revelling in his victory until the silence was shattered by the scream of a child. The second is a shrouded death-like figure designed for the Epic game system . The normal humans, dropped off millennia before, were forced to live in the lowest areas of the planet, amidst the choking fog. Attempting to give Morty hope, even if false, does have practical use, since hope is antithesis to Nurgle and would weaken its hold over him, if only by a tiny amount. Wherever they travel they spread the joyful, exuberant poxes of Nurgle, gifting those who would know eternal life with the choicest of the Plague God's blessings. With no more options and overcome by the Destroyer Plague, Mortarion began to hallucinate that he was back on Barbarus attempting to endure the toxins of the mountains to reach his father's fortress. You can help Lexicanum by fixing it. Mortarion continued to improve the breathing apparatus and campaigned ever higher into the fog. [13], After these campaigns, Mortarion received orders from Horus to make for Terra. Mortarion was present at the Council of Nikaea, where he spoke out against his brother, the Primarch Magnus the Red. Later the Khan's badly wounded body was recovered by Imperial forces. He sat for millennia in a Plague Fortress atop a tall mountain surrounded by toxic clouds, just like the adoptive father he despised in centuries long since forgotten. At this same time he was tasked with Horus to find and destroy the White Scars, who had been harrying the traitor lines since the events on Prospero. [15] During that campaign, Mortarion appeared during the Invasion of Konor where he led the Death Guard in an attempt to break through to Macragge itself. The people of Barbarus were slow to accept this pale, gaunt stranger from the mountains, but Mortarion was given a chance to prove his worth when creatures enthralled to another warlord attacked the village. The Death Lord had never hidden what he wanted. His first captain Typhon killed all of his navigators claiming they were loyalists, and convinced Mortarion he could travel the warp without them. !" . It would coil within his heart like a rancid viper, and provide the seed of weakness that the Plague God Nurgle would later exploit. I think he is serious as this is a consistent trend. Now one of the denizens of the Empyrean stood shackled before him. With communications severed and relief forces cut off by fresh Warp Storms, the defenders were hard-pressed in a hundred locations across Ultramar. He turned blacksmiths from tool-working to weapons-making when time allowed and had them craft armour. Mortarion was still human though, and he sought to know of those who dwelled below the layer of fog. While his corruption was now complete, Mortarion began to hate himself more than ever, as he was now everything that he despised. There are lots of great details including a really interesting Death Guard backpack variant." Though still gravely wounded and in deep pain, the Death Lord teleported down to the surface, seeking a mortal woman. I control it. Mortarion made his peace with the truth, believing that it was better to be a master of the Warp than its pawn. He Speaks. Those beautiful wing eyes on the wings, and the complete dissonance between the healthy looking eyes and Mortarion's horrible visage really add a lot to it. It was whilst on campaign with the Word Bearers Legion earlier in the Great Crusade that Typhon had learned of a different path for the Legiones Astartes to follow, a future where his hard-won but hidden psychic abilities would be a source of greatness instead of a taboo to be hidden from sight. If he was dead, then the Imperium was finished. Following the Heresy, the ascended Mortarion shut himself off from the affairs of the Materium. I use it. They are mean, ugly bastards but tenacious. His flesh was somehow bleaker, his stance a little more crabbed, and yet the aura of intimidation around him had been augmented. Eventually, only one peak denied them access, the one on which Mortarion's adoptive father had made his home. The foremost Chaplain of the Word Bearers, Erebus, inducted Typhon into the secrets of the Seven Pillared Lodge, one of the Warrior Lodges that had begun to spread throughout the Space Marine Legions in the later days of the Great Crusade. Perhaps he knew the child was better than him and that one day he would come for the warlord, or perhaps he was afraid of the small child able to breath where no other of his kind could. The final thing Mortarion saw before he almost blacked out into unconsciousness was the Overlord of Barbarus coming to kill him and mocking him for his weakness and failure. The Khan correctly surmised that Horus had not sent Mortarion, he had come of his own accord, with his own agenda. The Fortress World of Cadia, which had long stood sentinel over the Cadian Gate, finally fell to the Despoiler during that campaign. Together, the Ynnari and their newfound Imperial allies forged a path through their foes and the Webway to Ultramar. Mortarion and the Death Guard would draw out the enemy and tire them down, and then the Luna Wolves would strike. Such an opportunity had not presented itself in thousands of years, and the Great Unclean Ones hummed a cheerful ditty as they began to concoct a sickness fit for a demigod. These were members of Mortarion's elite bodyguard, the Deathshroud. The pre-industrial population of the world was split into two groups: the controlling warlords; inhuman necromancers with fantastic Warp-derived powers, and the Human settlers, who had been trapped on the planet millennia before and were now forced to eke out an existence essentially as farmers in the poison-free valleys of the planet, fearing the wrath of the necromantic Overlords and their foul creations. [1][6b], People say that Mortarion flattened the wooden door to the banquet room and he found the elders and a stranger who was their opposite in every way. This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 17:05. The Death Lord, Mortarion, arrayed in his fearsome panoply of war. He was before a resplendent Emperor for all the ages. The Khan prepared to settle their argument once and for all. Despite his gifts, Mortarion's life is one of being subjugated, outwitted, cornered, and (possible spoiler) damned. These tensions became most clear in the period directly preceding the first battle of the Horus Heresy at Istvaan III, when approximately one-third of the Legion was judged by Mortarion to be likely to remain loyal to the Emperor when the Legion joined the Warmaster Horus in his rebellion against the Imperium. I think Emps has ascended to the point where he is legitimately beyond anything close to mortal emotions in the way we can understand them. Mortarion is one of those rare Warhammer Primarchs that has three tabletop models. In leading the Death Guard into the Warp, Typhon had delivered them into the clutches of his new master, Nurgle, the Lord of Decay. The Leonine Heresy By: Sharrowkyn. Moreover, it was no mere squadron that had arrived, but an entire Death Guard battle group. [22b] According to Rotigus, both Mortarion and Ku'gath have earned the displeasure of Nurgle for their insubordination and failure. Ein Primarchs-Roman "Verbanne jegliche Gedanken an Gnade, denn die Gnade ist ein Spielball der Feiglinge und eine Lge der Tyrannen. However thanks to the Emperor's power being infused into him by Keeler, Garro was able to fight Mortarion back for a time but was still ultimately no match for the Daemon Primarch's power. They carry their own Manreapers, copies of the primarch's weapon proportionate for their hands.[2]. For better or worse, the Death Lord had come home. That implies that they can be stolen at all. Mortarion told his brother that he should not have thrown in his lot with Sanguinius, let alone Magnus. The Death Lord had run out of friends among the Traitor primarchs. Mortarion would have none of this, for Barbarus now belonged to his people, bought and paid for by generations of blood and terror, and its strongest sons would now serve as recruits for his new Death Guard. With new recruitment at issue, Barbarus itself in a short span of Terran years became little more than a factory of sorts to produce new recruits for the Death Guard Legion, and intake from other sources of recruitment to which the Legion had title dwindled to a mere handful, unless the pressure of fatalities in the field proved too great. When he returned, there was word of an amazing visitor who brought promises of salvation. Magic makes life easier for any adventurer, and if you're a Diviner, then it gets even easier. Who would stand with him against the psykers now among the Traitors? The Emperor may not have had much love for his sons in the past, but when he speaks, he carefully chooses and means every word he says. Though the Primarch's physical strength was enormous, the daemon knew that it would not help him, for she was not a creature of realspace, defined and constrained only by laws and powers that the Primarch feared to invoke. However with submission would come new unparalleled endurance and power. October 20, 2021. The stranger commented that even Mortarion and his Death Guard were having trouble pacifying the final warlord, and offered a challenge. Finally, knowing he would be unable to find the answers he desired from his adoptive father, Mortarion broke out of the fortress that had been his home and prison after killing several guards stationed at the gates of the fortress, and headed for the valleys of Barbarus. Primarch Mortarion of the Death Guard Legion surrounded by his Deathshroud Honour Guard. I dont think they would take it well if Morty came back and their primarch didnt. And I dont think the Emperor means there will be a true redemption for any of the chaos Primarchs where they all fight the good fight and it's all sunshine, rainbows, and brotherhood 4 eva. The Daemon Primarch later aided Typhus and Ku'Gath in their trap against Guilliman on Parmenio but was foiled by a mysterious young girl who may have been a Living Saint. Mortarion's resistance to the use of bloodstock other than that of Barbarus wavered only because of the need to keep his Legion's strength battleworthy in his eyes. He wore a grey cloak over his personalised suit of brass and bare steel power armour known as The Barbaran Plate. Mortarion was found on Barbarus, a planet covered in toxic fumes. He then was given command of the fourteenth legion of the Space Marines, the Dusk Raiders. Diseased and corrupted, made monstrous in form by the warping power of Chaos, Mortarion is a twisted angel of death driven by hatred and bitterness. [19a] Mortarion next met with Magnus in order to discuss an attack on the Colossi Gate, revealing to his brother that he hated his current Daemonic visage and was in constant pain. Word of his knowledge and exploits spread and people came from far and wide to learn from him. [1][6b], Only the top of the mountains denied him access. As the creature died, and her quintessential matter was sucked back into the maw of the aether, she managed a mock salute, "Hail, Master of the Plague!" World after world soon fell to this horrific onslaught, and yet the insular and secretive Primarch seemed preoccupied by some other, unspoken goal. Condemned to a deathless state of decay, the Death Guard would spread their pestilent diseases the length and breadth of the galaxy for the greater glory of Chaos. He could feel its tendrils grasping for him. The Emperor gave him plenty and even went with the Nikea edict.To me Morty was just a hypocritic doofus thinking he can control the powers of the warp. He experimented with both Xenos and Chaos artifacts, vowing to remain pure through understanding. As the two demi-gods battled, their respective retinues also fell onto one another in deadly close combat. Draigo's insult would not soon be forgotten, as the Daemon Primarch vowed his vengeance against the upstart mortal. Either way, there would be room for others to rise to power over the galaxy to come. [1][6b], The warlord tested how high the child could survive in the poisonous atmosphere of Barbarus and then erected a massive wall of black iron. Going back to the Emperor doing the Mortarion wrong . Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker, More If The Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device Wiki, If The Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device Wiki. When the Warmaster Horus turned to Chaos, it did not require much effort to drag Mortarion and his Legion down with him. [9] Following the battle, Mortarion abandoned his pursuit of the White Scars and instead began a spiteful purge of the systems surrounding Prospero. Wouldn't it make more sense for Mortarion to join the emperor due to his hatred of magic? Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard Legion before the Horus Heresy. After witnessing the Overlords hauling captive humans away for torture and experimentation[17a], Mortarion escaped from his holdings and descended the mountain, the warlord bellowing after him of his treachery and that to return would mean death. Mortarion on Barbarus before the coming of the Emperor. Perhaps, they chortled mockingly, they might even arrange a final reconciliation between the bitter Mortarion and his brother. Mortarion got what he wanted, a world of his own. Returning to the village, Mortarion's mood darkened when he found his people talking not of his victory but of the arrival of a benevolent stranger who promised salvation to the people of Barbarus. He ruled over a toxic death world of poison, horror and misery, with his own position ironically mirroring the one his monstrous step-father had held on Barbarus. [19] During a war council he mocked Perturabo for not fully embracing Chaos but nonetheless allowed Typhus to work with the Iron Warriors Primarch as part of a ritual to weaken the Emperor's psychic shield of the Palace. Mortarion even proved critical of Horus' promotion to Warmaster, agreeing that while Horus was the best choice the Emperor's decision to name a Warmaster in the first place had been a mistake. No cure was found, and it seemed the Death Guard was doomed to something as petty as disease. He formed them into elite units and drilled them himself. Never relenting in battle beneath their Primarch's gaze, they pursued the liberation of Mankind with a fervour the Great Crusade had never known. Enraged, Mortarion engaged Typhon in a duel, with the First Captain's psychic abilities allowing him to hold off the Primarch's attacks for a time. If Magnus had not already made up his mind on which side of the conflict he would be on, then he soon would, and then Mortarion would be surrounded. Seeing the Materium as petty, his interest leaned towards the Great Game. They were the outriders. The Daemon Primarch Mortarion leads the Death Guard against the Ultramarines during the Plague Wars. HOW TO PAINT: Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle. The only candidates I can see would be Magnus and Morty. . He was given command of the Death Guard Space Marine Legion on the arrival of the Emperor to his homeworld of Barbarus, but he turned to the forces of Chaos during the Horus Heresy. Couch theft as redemption in whatever way you'd like. Context: After loosing the fight with Mortarion and getting injected with Godblight, Guiliman, in his final moments, remembers his recent audience with the Emperor. agent coors bones 6 juin 2022. Mortarion and Ku'gath both ignored orders from Nurgle himself to move to the Scourge Stars due to the new War in the Rift, with even Typhus abandoning his Primarch to follow the Plague God's will. And lets face it, GW wont go for it anyway, so this off hand comment is just a red herring. com Mutilators.34 Chaos Rhino.34 Chaos Bikers.35 Raptors.35 Warp Talons.36 Chaos Spawn.36 Heldrake.37 Chaos Land Raider.37 Chaos Predator.38 Chaos Vindicator.38 Obliterators.39 Havocs.39 Forgefiend..40 Maulerfiend.40 Defiler.41 Khorne Lord of Skulls..42 orld Ef This was Mortarion's great project. The constant exposure to the toxins hardened his warriors, a useful and transferable skill retained by the Death Guard. At present, Mortarion is the greatest Daemon Prince of Nurgle and the Daemon Primarch of the Death Guard Chaos Space Marines. Eventually, Mortarion could suffer no more and gave himself over to Chaos to stop the pain. Meanwhile, Mortarion was frequently critical of Magnus the Red over his use of Librarians and was one of the chief voices to ban Psykers among the Astartes Legions at the Council of Nikea. On the highest peaks where the air was most poisonous lived the Overlord, who claimed Mortarion as his foster son. Mortarion's name comes from the Latin word Mors, meaning death. [20], Mortarion's plan against Guilliman reached its climax on Iax, luring his brother there in cooperation with Ku'gath, who created a deadly disease known as the Godblight which was capable of killing even a Primarch. Horus promised that if Mortarion joined his cause and supported his rebellion they would cleanse the Imperium of the Emperor's taint, and build a new regime free of their gene-father's lies, manipulations and deceit. He was the champion, the sacrificial king. Mortarion had finally gotten what he wanted, a world of his own. Forgive no slight or grievance. Enraged, Mortarion called upon his own innate psychic abilities that had always been buried deep down within him. Chaos(Death Guard) Gathering them before him, a grim and spectral figure robed and bearing the great black scythe that had once belonged to his nightmarish foster-father, it must have seemed to the Terran-born Dusk Raiders that an ancient, graven image of the Grim Reaper had come before them as their new master.
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